Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wedding Invitations: Response Cards

A necessity these days, the main purpose of these are to give an accurate headcount for the caterers and planners. That's it. The "reply by" date if often provided by a caterer, and is usually about two weeks before the event.

Reply card by inviting | shopinviting, from the Sophia design suite.

If you're having a plated dinner and want to know the meal preferences of your guests, you could include that on the card. Likewise for allergy information, becoming more and more common these days. (I would leave it as "Dietary restriction:________" and let the guest fill in the blank (vegetarian, vegan, lactose, none, etc.) That doesn't mean you have to cater around one person, but just to be more mindful when planning the menu.

Properly speaking, "number of guests" shouldn't be included, because as we stated in an earlier post, only those whose name is on the envelopes is invited. The M________ is for Ms. Jane Stack or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, etc. Everyone attending, who was invited, should be named on the reply card.

If sending a regular card, a self-addressed stamped envelope should be included. If sending out a postcard, don't forget the stamp!


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